Dr. Dell’Angelo and Dr. Amtzis, Commencement, The College of New Jersey, 2023

Graduation & Commencement —

Tabitha Dell’Angelo


What is your moment?

High school students from all corners of the country are preparing to graduate this week, marking a significant milestone in their lives. Graduation day is a momentous occasion, adorned with grandeur and symbolism. It’s a time filled with smiles, hugs, and tears, representing the culmination of twelve or more years of formal education. However, let us not forget that this event, while special, is fleeting, lasting only a few hours at best. It serves as a mere snapshot of the countless experiences, relationships, and growth that have shaped us since we first stepped into our first-grade classrooms.

To all the graduates, I urge you to embark on a journey through the cherished memories of your educational years. Reflect upon the people who have supported you, the activities that made you feel whole, and the transformative moments when you discovered your passions or triumphed over seemingly insurmountable challenges. Consider every single moment that has led you to this very point, acknowledging both the joyful and difficult times, as well as the strength and resilience that guided you through it all.

While graduation day is often referred to as a culmination, it is equally deserving of being called a commencement — a beginning. Once you have reflected upon all that you have accomplished and overcome, the knowledge and love you have acquired, and the rich tapestry of experiences you have woven throughout your school years, it is time to look forward. This day marks the inception of the next chapter in your journey. Carry with you all the moments that have shaped you, for they will be valuable tools and sources of support as you navigate the challenges that lie ahead.

As you step into this new phase of your life, remember that problem-solving plays a vital role in facing the obstacles that will come your way. And cognitive science teaches us that memory is a significant aspect of problem-solving. Therefore, every memory you have formed will serve as a valuable resource, aiding you in your transition to the next stage. Cherish these memories, for they will be the foundation upon which you build your future.

Congratulations, graduates, on reaching this remarkable milestone. May the lessons learned and the memories cherished during your educational journey guide you towards a future filled with success, fulfillment, and continued growth.

